My Shop (work in progress!)

Saturday, 16 June 2007

Job Titles

Mine is medical secretary - something that will probably never change.

However office juniors cannot be called such anymore as it is ageist. They are now called practice support assistants. I mean what sort of wanky name is that!

This is inspired by a package my mumm-ra had delivered - it had instructions for the postman on it. Can you still call them postmen? Do they not have to be called mail delivery operatives now? The line in the film Iris wouldn't have quite the same ring "It's only the mail delivery operative". Or "The mail delivery operative always rings twice". Or "Mail delivery operative Pat and his feline companion of mixed origin."

As Russell and John say on their 6Music Sunday morning shown "It's political correctness gone mad!"


randomhiccup said...

I actually tried to sing "mail delivery operative pat and his feline companion of mixed origin" to the original tune! So funny, you have such a way with words!

Mutterings and Meanderings said...

Oooh, you've just made me think about Russell...

Karen said...

Glad you liked mail delivery operative pat and his feline companion of mixed origin Jen, it was a spur of the moment thought :)

Ah you have a thing for the lazy-eyed urchin of comedy do you? I don't remember what he looks like really... I remember that Jon is beardy!

I texted in to their show when they were commenting on what Jon's fetish might be. They have a section on the show where people text in their grammatical/spelling/word bugbears. One of mine is people saying power of attorneys instead of powers of attorney when there is more than one document.

Anyway, I thought that as Jon was into words then perhaps he might "enjoy" dictionary. I wondered how I could put it so it could be read out on the radio so put it something like "Jon's fetish will mean that the pages dictionary are stuck together". They read it out and loved it!

Victoria Bennett said...

Apparently there is some discussion about the continued use of the title 'Artist' and whether that can be used - it is felt that it has elitist connotations and there is a drive to have it replaced by the job title 'Cultural Worker' - I think this implies that you have to be working in a job for the Cultural Sector to be classified as an artist and can no longer be an artist if you stare out the window and write poetry...sounds a bit Chairman Mao to me!

Anonymous said...

Punt and Dennis made me smile the other day when they referred to the 'Political Correctness Brigade' and wondered who they were. And how they would be summoned. After all there is a number for the Fire Brigade...

Karen said...

try 666 and you might get them anon!